Friday, 11 January 2013

Britain Does Vintage Does Vintage Weddings!

Hello and welcome to the up-cycled Britain Does Vintage blog!  We're no longer just Yorkshire Does Vintage, so it's very exciting to relaunch the blog in the year with a new name!  Hope you all love the new look to the blog.

This year we're venturing into new frontiers by doing a Vintage Wedding Fair with the wonderful people at the Wedding Affair. Our first Vintage Wedding event takes place on 26th January 2013 at Ripon Cathedral.

This really is going to be a spectacular event if you're planning a wedding this year and you want to add a vintage touch to it.  We've got over 70 Exhibitors of the finest wedding suppliers, both tradition and vintage, that the UK has to offer.  They'll be two professional catwalk shows, live singing by Phil lyons and The New Vintage Band, hen party workshops, gorgeous tearoom, entertainment, bridal competitions and stunning bridal gift bags (while stocks last).

You get all this for the small charge of £2 - which is a charity admission with all the funds going to Ripon Cathedral.  Everyone from brides, hen parties, grooms and family welcome!

So, what better way to re-launch this blog than to look at weddings through the ages, to give you some inspiration for your big day.

In the 1930s the bride didn't always wear white.  This photo on the left from 1932 the bride wore a floral patterned dress and she wore a turban rather than a veil.  The bridesmaid wore a matching turban and they had two little flower girls in matching pretty white dresses.  The bouquets are lovely and it's a nice touch that the flower girls have smaller matching bouquets.

The photo on the right is a mid-late 1930s wedding and it's a more traditional one where the bride's in a white dress, but she has a beautiful bouquets of lilies and a that wonderful veil is finished off with a headband that looks like a crown!  The groom has on a very smart suit with white gloves in hand.

Into the 1940s during the war years.  The bouquets for this 1944 wedding on the right are a bit smaller than the ones from the 1930s, but the bride still has a very traditional white dress on - which touches the ground.  She must have saved up a lot of ration coupons for her and her bridesmaids dresses!  The young bridesmaids dress is simple, but is very stylish for the time with a collar and the sleeves.  A lovely style for any young bridesmaid.  As for the little boy doesn't look that happy to be dressed up - still he looks very cute in his white outfit!

The dresses at this late 1950s wedding in the photo on the left are beautiful!  The brides dress is very demur, but it's the little bridesmaid's who steal the show with their matching dresses and flower headbands.

Finally on to the late 1960s.  Still very traditional with a white dress, but the style is very different from the 1940s and 1950s one.  The veil is smaller and so is the bouquet.  The groom's suit look a bit ill fitting though!  That little flower girl is very sweet, her bouquet has a mixture of ribbons and flowers.

Of course you don't have to have a complete vintage wedding, but you can take touches of things from the past and mix the vintage with modern to create the perfect wedding.  

If you want some more inspiration well, you'll have to join us on the 26th January at Ripon Cathedral!

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